The transition from primary to secondary school is a significant educational milestone in the lives of our students and their families. It is a time of excitement and growth as students are presented with new challenges.
We are very mindful of the importance of a smooth and enjoyable transition to secondary school and have an extensive transition program, which starts during Grade 6 and continues through Year 7, cultivating a strong sense of belonging to the Kilbreda family. Students are supported through many avenues to allow the transition from primary to secondary school to be as effortless as possible.
Year 7 Transition
We invite you to view our Year 7 Transition Videos, relevant for new students commencing at the College.
Transition Program
Transition Leader: A dedicated leader who works in conjunction with the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement, Student Wellbeing Team, Learning Diversity Team, Year Level Leader, College Registrar as well as the primary schools and families of all ‘future’ students. Our transition program has been established to actively support and ensure the transition to 91proÊÓƵ is a smooth and enjoyable one for both the student and their parents/carers. Transition commences once a family have confirmed their acceptance of the offer of a place at the College.
General Ability Testing: During the Grade 6 year, ‘future’ students come to Kilbreda for half a day to complete Allwell testing facilitated by Academic Assessment Services. The purpose of the assessment is to provide the College with information about students’ skills in literacy and numeracy and assists us in identifying possible areas of need for extension or assistance.
Trivia Afternoon: To begin the transition journey, all students are invited to a trivia afternoon which is their first opportunity to familiarise themselves with the campus and their new cohort in a fun and interactive way. Parents drop off and collect their daughter, to allow them to experience of independently engaging with the College environment and their peers. The afternoon is supported by Kilbreda Student Leaders who facilitate the afternoon. Together with a Kilbreda student, the Grade 6 students work in teams to complete multiple rounds of trivia questions and activities in a relaxed environment. There are spot prizes, lollies and some friendly competition to be the Trivia Champions and claim the winner’s prize.
Transition Information Evening: 91proÊÓƵ values the involvement of families in the education of their daughter. As the Transition experience is unique to all, families are invited to attend a Transition Information Evening during Term 4, where families are provided with a snapshot of Year 7, including information about the wellbeing program, the curriculum and co-curricular programs offered at the College.
‘Making Connections’ Workshop: We recognise that for students who are the only ones coming from their primary school that not knowing many people can make them feel anxious. The College facilitates an afternoon ‘Making Connections’ workshop that is designed to provide incoming students the opportunity to meet other ‘future’ Year 7 students as well as assist them to familiarise themselves with Kilbreda and build their confidence prior to the Orientation Day.
Orientation Day: For students starting Year 7, an Orientation Day is held in December of their Grade 6 year. The Orientation Day is an important and exciting day for our new students. It provides them with the opportunity to meet other girls who will be in their Homeroom, their Homeroom teacher and their Peer Support Leaders, familiarise themselves with the layout of the College and their daily routines and get an idea of what to expect in Year 7.
First Day: A welcome gathering is held for our Year 7 students and their families on their first day at Kilbreda. Following this, our Year 7 students participate in a range of activities where they are encouraged to make connections with fellow members of the Kilbreda community in a variety of ways, and are involved in a number of workshops and processes that aim to help them adjust socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually to their new life at 91proÊÓƵ.
Big Sister, Little Sister Program: This program sees members of the Year 12 Class from the year prior, return to the College as volunteers for a fortnight to assist our Year 7 students. For our ‘Little Sisters’ it is an opportunity to learn from someone who has come before them, ask questions, seek assistance and receive guidance on all aspects of College life. For our returning ‘Big Sisters’, it is a vehicle to develop confidence, improve communication and establish leadership skills.

Welcome Mass: A Year 7 Welcome Mass is held to celebrate the Eucharist and officially welcome our Year 7 students and their families to our community. This is a wonderful ritual and an integral part of our Catholic Brigidine tradition. Every Year 7 student receives a Kilbreda badge presented by the College Principal, their Year Level Leader and their Home Room teacher, symbolising the commencement of their Kilbreda journey and their belonging to our community.
‘Peer Support’ Program: The Peer Support program is an integral part of the Year 7 transition to 91proÊÓƵ. Peer Support is a program facilitated by trained Year 10/11 student leaders who work with groups of 6 – 8 Year 7 students during Terms 1 and 2. Peer Support provides our students with a small supportive environment that allows them to learn more about 91proÊÓƵ and discuss issues and problems they may encounter or are already facing during their transition to secondary school. The older students act as mentors, building the confidence of our Year 7 students by connecting with them through friendship and structured activities, and empowering our Year 7 students to support each other in the transition process.
Transition Camp: The Year 7 camp is intentionally held early in Term 1 as it is a key component of our transition program. The camp assists our Year 7 students to develop relationships with staff and other students, to learn and extend skills, to explore the College values and instill the culture of the College. The camp is designed to assist them to form new friendships, create connections, enhance teamwork, strengthen communication skills, develop self-confidence and allow a real sense of belonging to begin to flourish.